Monday, October 25, 2010

US -First Time In History Inflation Bonds Are Sold With Negative Yield

This morning I reading a news that regarding inflation bond or know as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities , surprise me is that bond selling in negative value.

Do this indicate that coming Nov 2-3, Fed QE2 Announcement Most Likely? I predicted is mostly going to have the second round on QE2.

Inflation, commodity is going up. USD is going to devalue some more. Worth to look at Malaysia plantation stock, and gold retails shop.

I still keep on positive on Tomei & Poh Kong. As their inventory (gold) which is much more lower than current gold price.

If Gold price break their historical high, in term of technical view it will further go up.

Next time, I will tell you why is the both gold jewellery stock worth for buying.

The website I visit: