Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Punishment for False Evidence
From what our minister warning, I learn 1 law that is Section 193 of Penal Code Punishment for false evidence.
193. Whoever intentionally gives false evidence in any stage of a judicial proceeding, or fabricates false evidence for the purpose of being used in any stage of a judicial proceeding, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years,
and shall also be liable to fine; and whoever intentionally gives or fabricates false evidence in any other case, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.
So do not simple sign declaration, it will get you into trouble.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Mareva injunction
From the judgement by Kota Kinabalu High Court Judge DATO’ ABDUL RAHMAN SEBLI, I notice that plantiffs applied for and obtained a " Mareva injunction".
What is actually this Mareva injunction, it is something like a freezing order.
Although plantiff at last lost the case in apex court and cost it more later, but at least a good try. Hehe...
That day learn something like mareva injuction. Hope write in this blog to refer in the future.
Friday, November 4, 2011
[Previously what our DPM said "KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said today that the government’s decision to abolish the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) is final.
“The matter is closed. I can say that as of this year, PPSMI is not here anymore; we have started a new policy. Maybe people have misunderstood, we’re now actually looking at the beginning of the soft-landing of the MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language, Strengthening the English Language) policy,” he said.]
[Asked if it was still too late to reconsider, Muhyiddin said: “It has already been decided in 2009. Maybe like (former prime minister) Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, ‘Malaysians mudah lupa (easily forget)’. It was tabled and passed two years ago to abolish PPSMI. I don’t know why it is being brought up now again.]
But yesterday mentioned that abolish PPSMI will postpone to 2016. Maybe Malaysian really "mudah lupa". And said that the decision is the best interest for 5million students. How about previous decision? Is that not the best interest for the students?
I support the views of our former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir as below:
[Kita harus ingat bahawa pelajaran bukan semata-mata untuk memaju atau mengembangkan bahasa. Pelajaran adalah untuk penguasaan ilmu, pelbagai jenis ilmu.
Sains dan matematik tidak mungkin menolong kemajuan bahasa, khususnya bahasa Melayu.]
In order to be fair and reasonable, why don't the government conduct a Referendum. Pre before the referendum, give both support and unsupport parties a opportunity to debate.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Law - Litigation Defence "Honest and Reasonable Mistake"
This afternoon from a Hong Kong drama learn the "Honest and Reasonable Mistake" words, one of the way how to defence yourself when get sue.
After google it, finally get the some ideas from Armstrong Legal, appreciate their good work.
According to the Armstrong legal article, below is the example of the case of Honest & Reasonable Mistake:
Thomas (1937) 59 CLR 279
The High Court held that it was a defence to a charge of bigamy that the accused had believed "bona fide and on reasonable grounds” that he was not married and therefore a single man entitled to marry. The basis of the belief of the accused was that his marriage to his "former wife" was not valid because her decree of divorce had not been made absolute, so that she was still a married woman when he married her.
In upholding the defence of honest and reasonable mistake, Latham CJ said: “The belief was that a decree absolute had not been made by the Supreme Court of Victoria. Whether or not such a decree had been made was a question of fact. If no decree absolute had been made, the marriage of the accused's former wife would not have been dissolved and therefore, she would still have been a married woman when she married the accused. Thus, her marriage to the accused would have been invalid, and he would not have been a married person when he went through the ceremony of marriage with Miss Deed. Thus, if his belief as to the matter of fact mentioned had been true, he would not have been guilty of the offence charged.”
Another case that is worth to read regarding to Honest & Reasonable Mistake is, R. v. Park [1995] 2 S.C.R. 836, is a Supreme Court of Canada.
The accused have to have air of reality to substantiated his allegation that he might have had an honest belief that she was giving consent.
The definition of air of reality test, a pre-requisite test conducted to weigh the defense against a criminal charge. The defense should have sufficient evidential value. The evidential foundation is referred to as the air of reality.
Two instances, air of reality test can be applied are:
1. A prima facie case has been made against the accused.
2. An affirmative defense like insanity defense is raised by the accused.
Reference & Notes:
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My Question to Sng Seow Wah, Alliance Bank group CEO
I believe that the steady increase in Malaysian property prices over the last few years has been due to economic fundamentals rather than speculation. As such, I do not expect to see a drastic scenario of property prices retracting by 50% in the near future.
Price increases (or decreases) in Malaysia have not been on the same scale as in Hong Kong or Singapore. Speculation in Hong Kong and Singapore has been higher, leading to severe anti-speculation measures introduced in the past year.
Malaysian banks (including Alliance Bank) are generally well-capitalised and conduct regular stress tests to ensure continued preparedness.
Source: Bizweek The Star
Monday, June 6, 2011
With Money Only We Can Help Those Poor
Below is my article appear in The Star on 6th June 2011.
link: can use water profits to help the poor
I REFER to “Put People First In Water Issue” (The Star, June 2). I agree with the writer that we should put aside political differences for the rakyat’s benefit.
Currently, Selangor may not face a water shortage but how about in years to come?
The later we build the water infrastructure the higher will the price be, as the cost of materials will not get any cheaper.
Water concession operators also seek to make profits, but as long as the water tariff is reasonable, the government of the day should allow them to increase the tariff.
One may argue whether the rakyat will be able to bear the higher water tariff?
The Selangor Government is the major shareholder of the water concession operators. If the company makes profit and distributes dividends, the state government can utilise its share of the profits to subsidise the poor rakyat.
This is a better way.
I hope that the discord between the Federal and state governments can be resolved as soon as possible in the interest of the rakyat.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Tang Hak Ju Land Scam
White paper 'to expose land scam' By Lee Keng Fatt
Who should responsible in the above issue? Do the previous administrator approved according to protocol, rules & regulation? Do it have any abuse of power on the above case?
Waiting to read the White Paper. Judge ourself.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
妨碍司法公正 (Preverting The Course of Justice)
Just before the lunch, suddenly come out from my mind, that is the famous quote in the Hong Kong Drama "妨碍司法公正", under curiosity I intend to find the definition of this words, finally I got it, as it take me about half an hour to get the words in English that is "Preverting The Course of Justice".
But I am not sure my home country Malaysia did the Attonery-General charge any persons before under this common law offence "Preverting The Course of Justice". As this is the important issue either for criminal case nor in civil suit. Some of the people will find all sorts of way to prevent themself from any charge.
Recently that is the Teoh Beng Hock case which may affect the confidence of justice from the international people toward Malaysia. As the coroner rule out homicide nor suicide, so who responsible for the death of the deceased? Really sad to know that. MACC such as reputable government agency it is not safe to go to their office to co-operate for investigation, as under their "care" someone may either "homicide nor suicide". Who can actually tell us the truth of the death?
Get back to the Preveting The Course of Justice, here the wikipedia link:
Common Law Offence wikipedia link:
Will Malaysia adding this law into the Penal Code? Just wait and see.