Monday, June 6, 2011

With Money Only We Can Help Those Poor

Below is my article appear in The Star on 6th June 2011.


Selangor can use water profits to help the poor

I REFER to “Put People First In Water Issue” (The Star, June 2). I agree with the writer that we should put aside political differences for the rakyat’s benefit.

Currently, Selangor may not face a water shortage but how about in years to come?

The later we build the water infrastructure the higher will the price be, as the cost of materials will not get any cheaper.

Water concession operators also seek to make profits, but as long as the water tariff is reasonable, the government of the day should allow them to increase the tariff.

One may argue whether the rakyat will be able to bear the higher water tariff?

The Selangor Government is the major shareholder of the water concession operators. If the company makes profit and distributes dividends, the state government can utilise its share of the profits to subsidise the poor rakyat.

This is a better way.

I hope that the discord between the Federal and state governments can be resolved as soon as possible in the interest of the rakyat.

